Twinkle at Woodchurch

Twinkle at Woodchurch
Twinkle at Woodchurch, Kent

Friday, 24 November 2023

Islington, and a cat named Bob

Yesterday it was Richard Lovelace, today it was A Street Cat Named Bob. Can you see the connection? Nope, neither can I - except they both created literary history. 

If you have never seen the film, or read the book about a man and his homeless cat, then I strongly recommend you do so.

Today I went to Islington, in search of James Bowen and his cat. I found their memorial fittingly in Islington Memorial Garden.

Islington doesn't have too much to recommend it. It's not the kind of London borough that can afford to go in for high-end architectural design, but nevertheless, it has its' little quirks and charms.

I was a tad disappointed that the Angel, Islington, of 'Monopoly' board fame, was all shrouded in scaffolding, but hey ho, you can't have it all!

Easy to find my write-up this time, because I have had to start a second page for London, and so, for a while at least, it's the first entry there.

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