Twinkle at Woodchurch

Twinkle at Woodchurch
Twinkle at Woodchurch, Kent

Sunday, 10 December 2023

And so this is Christmas.................

 ....well, not quite, but, in keeping with the rest of the past year, my explorations have been curtailed by the lousy weather. It's pointless trying to explore by bike, because there's no pleasure in tramping round villages and towns in heavily wet motorcycle gear.
Similarly, I've put my city walks on hold until after the New Year. The streets will be just too crowded and manic for my liking.

So, I am going to make use of the next few weeks in doing research on future places to visit, and in filling in some of the gaps in my notes on the places I've already featured.

This means that, even if you've already looked at somewhere I've been and photographed, you can now revisit the pages and learn more about what you're looking at. 

I hope we will have better weather in 2024. My list of local places to visit has grown to 16 pages now, and my list of London walks grows equally longer. Add to these, I want to visit a few other places I can reach, investigate, and get home within a day, some by bike, others by train. I'm hoping one of the first of these will be St. Albans - so much history, so little time...........

Anyways, I'd like to wish all my Christian friends a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah to my Jewish friends, and Happy Holidays to everyone else

Most of all, to all people, I wish you a very good New Year. (If you are Chinese, or Buddhist et al, just hold this thought for when you celebrate your New Year)

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