Twinkle at Woodchurch

Twinkle at Woodchurch
Twinkle at Woodchurch, Kent

Friday, 7 July 2023

Going over old ground, with new ideas

 So, I had an unexpected free day today, but the weather looked as though it was going to be too hot to do much walking - especially in full bike gear!

So, I decided to head back to Tenterden and fill in some of the gaps I hadn't covered before. It's only 12 miles from home, and with the exception of going from the railway station back up to the High Street, is fairly level and not too taxing, even in hot weather!

Well, that was the theory anyway..................

The Tenterden section on the Kent 1 page has been duly updated. But I reckon there's still more to discover in such an old town with such a rich and varied history.

I would be lost without the fabulous QuizTrails. I've mentioned them before on here, and they're a great source of both entertainment and information, and the inspiration for a lot of my trips around the South East. I've now completed 14 of them, and I've still got lots more to do

If you're looking for something to do during the school holidays, give them a go. I'm sure both adults and children will love them.

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