Twinkle at Woodchurch

Twinkle at Woodchurch
Twinkle at Woodchurch, Kent


 Situated at Singleton, near Chichester.

Set in 50 acres of beautiful Sussex countryside is a very special place to wander amongst a fascinating collection of nearly 50 historic buildings dating from the 13th to the 19th century, many with period gardens, together with farm animals, woodland walks and a picturesque lake.
Rescued from destruction, the buildings have been carefully dismantled, conserved and rebuilt to their original form and bring to life the homes, farmsteads and rural industries of the last 500 years.

Among the many buildings on display is a medieval farmstead, complete with furniture and livestock, a watermill, and a Tudor market hall. There are numerous hands-on exhibits of building materials and techniques.

(above) the timber-framed house on the right of Market Square in this picture is North Cray Medieval House - an excellent example of a medieval hall house found in North Cray, Kent. The house stretches to four bays with an open hall in the centre flanked by a solar and service area. The timbers are painted red, based on evidence that this was the original 15th-century colouring.

(below) Bayleaf Farmhouse - built in the early 15th century, this is an attractive timber-framed Wealden hall house with a central hall warmed by an open fire. A solar stands at one end and a service area at the other. The farmhouse is shown with replica medieval furniture so that visitors can see it as it would have looked when it was lived in.

The building in the centre of the picture above, and to the left of the one below is Titchfield Market Hall - this attractive timber-framed hall was built in Titchfield, Hampshire in 1620. It is typical of Tudor and Jacobean market halls, with an open arcade at ground level where goods were traded and a first-floor chamber to serve as a meeting place for the town council. Set into the space under the stairs is a temporary lock-up cage for miscreants.

Many more buildings have been added since I visited. Must do again..............and be warned..........should you visit the little cafe, and decide to sit at one of the outside tables to eat your cheese roll, beware the sparrows! They will quite happily hop along the top of the table and steal the cheese from your roll!

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