Twinkle at Woodchurch

Twinkle at Woodchurch
Twinkle at Woodchurch, Kent


 Not the easiest church to get to! The road from Stone Street to the village of Petham, is not only very steep, but it is also very narrow with few passing places, and oftimes strewn with gravel washed down off the banks.

Its one saving feature is that the road only goes to Petham, through the village, and back up the other side Back to Stone Street, so there is very little traffic.

Believe me though, it's worth the effort.

Burned out in the 1920s, it has lost some of its 'age', but it is still very interesting. The tie beams and wall plates were painted after the fire in a sort of late Arts & Crafts style with fruit and vines.

(below) the lovely wooden war memorial

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