Twinkle at Woodchurch

Twinkle at Woodchurch
Twinkle at Woodchurch, Kent


 A small town in Dumfries & Galloway, Moffat is one of the first towns you will come across when you enter Scotland. What you will find is an enchanting little Border town, with a wide high street and quaint shops. (Try the Moffat Toffee Shop Mmmm.........) and the little bakery just down the road on the other side, which does fantastic pineapple cakes!

In the centre of the town is the statue of the Ram With No Ears, properly known as the Colvin Fountain. Moffat was a notable market in the wool trade, and this is commemorated with a statue of a ram by William Brodie in the town's marketplace. The ram was presented to the town by William Colvin, a local businessman, in 1875. The ram is missing its ears, and has been since it was first presented. According to local history, the shame of Brodie's mistake in forgetting the ram's ears, and the ridicule it received was too much for the sculptor to bear and he eventually committed suicide

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