Twinkle at Highland Court, Kent

Twinkle at Highland Court, Kent
Twinkle at Highland Court, Kent


 Mam Tor, meaning ‘Mother Hill’, is a 517 metre high hill near Castleton in the High Peak area of Derbyshire. It lies at the top of the Winnats Pass. Known locally as 'the Shivering Mountain', the Tor is gradually slipping down into the valley. The powers-that-be decided at one point to build a road around the base of it, to bypass the Winnats Pass and help larger vehicles to get from Castleton to points north and east without having to take the longer route through the Hope Valley and Edale. The outcome was almost predictable, and after spending more to repair the road than it originally cost to build, it was abandoned to its' fate. You can still walk the route, but a large portion of the road has now almost gone.

Mam Tor has a number of caverns just below it, such as: Treak Cliff Cavern, Blue John Cavern, Speedwell Cavern and Peak Cavern.

The view over the Hope Valley from here is stunning

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