Twinkle at Woodchurch

Twinkle at Woodchurch
Twinkle at Woodchurch, Kent


 Llangollen is a truly amazing town, encapsulating the best North Wales has to offer in a small area. With more sun than Cornwall and less rain than the Lake District.

There are mountains, white water rivers, including the spectacular River Dee, canals with horse-drawn boats, the Llangollen Steam Railway with steam and diesel trains that chug along the Dee Valley, the Horseshoe Pass, the Horseshoe Falls and all in easy reach of Chester and Wrexham.
The town itself has a plethora of little shops and cafes, all in a small space that is easy to walk around.

The stone building peeping out from behind the white one in the picture below, is a 13th. century water mill, where fabrics are still produced. The picture was taken from the 700 year old stone bridge with four arches.

You get a better view of the mill from the railway station opposite.

The Horseshoe Pass starts just past the station, and runs past a little motor museum, starts to climb up past Valle Crucis Abbey, and at the highest point stands the Ponderosa cafe. The pass and the cafe are very popular with motorcyclists. Valle Crucis has its' own page, but here's a shot of the 'Pondy' as it is usually called:

Each July, the town plays host to the International Musical Eisteddfod, and the ever-busy little town is filled with sound and colour.

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