Twinkle at Woodchurch

Twinkle at Woodchurch
Twinkle at Woodchurch, Kent


 I was just passing through this morning, but I decided, as I had to go right past it, I would take a look at All Saints church. Sadly, it was closed, so it will have to wait for another day.

However, right outside the door is this beautiful Arum Lily plant 

and right next to the porch, is the grave of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, brother to Christina who wrote 'In The Bleak Midwinter', and one of the founding members of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. He was a marvellous artist, and often wrote sonnets to accompany his paintings, as well as illustrating his sister's works.

He was married to Lizzie Siddal, probably the most recognisable model of the age. She also modelled for Millais. But his lover, and his muse was Jane Morris, wife of William Morris. She was no great beauty by today's standards, but with her melancholic look, and that head of thick red hair,  she was the perfect model for both Rossetti and Morris. 

As well as gaining entry to the church, I need to seek out an amazing B&B - apparently it's a beautiful ArtDeco house that has been restored to it's original appearance. 

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