Twinkle at Woodchurch

Twinkle at Woodchurch
Twinkle at Woodchurch, Kent

Saturday, 30 November 2024

Update on the improvements

 So far, I've done Wales (took me ages), Warwickshire, West Midlands, Wiltshire and Yorkshire. 

They all seem to be working the way I intended, but let me know if you come across anything that doesn't work

Onto the next one................................

Friday, 29 November 2024

A change is gonna come...........

 As this blog gets larger and more detailed, it's becoming harder to manage, and even harder for viewers to negotiate. 

I've been working out how to do things better, and gradually you will see the changes. It won't be quick, but I'll get there.

Starting from the bottom of the menu, I'll be changing the layout, so when you click on a county, you will only see a menu of the places covered, and clicking on each place name will take you just to that place, and no other.

I've just done the first one on the Yorkshire page (Aysgarth), and now I know how to do it, I'll get it done as soon as I can.

Not today though - it's cold, but sunny, and frost-free, so I'm off out on the bike (just for a ride, not to visit anywhere today)

Thursday, 28 November 2024

Never too old to learn

 I'm not doing much riding at the moment. Can't go too far on these short Winter days, as I have to be home before it gets dark - got a temporary night blindness thing going on.

That, and the fact that it was very icy this morning, made me decide to hop on the HS1 Javelin train to London, and visit the British Library exhibition rooms. 

They have a great exhibition at the moment on the voice of medieval women - basically of beautiful illuminated books and manuscripts written by women who, at the time were treated more as chattels than equals. 

They are very enlightening, and it shows that women then had to deal with many of the issues we women today have. 

I've added a few samples to the chapter on the British Library (LONDON2), and others have been placed elsewhere if appropriate (e.g. a manuscript of part of the Canterbury Tales in the Chapter for Canterbury with the statue of Chaucer)

I have kept more back, which will be inserted as and when I visit other places.

Thursday, 14 November 2024

Will it, won't it?

 Well it didn't, but i thought it might. Rain, that is. It was sunny but chilly when me and Graham left home. Hubby not very well, so I decided to let him rest and go for a ride. I should have ridden Twinkle, but at the last minute I opted for Graham, as the route I intended to take was nearly all main roads.

I was glad I did in the end, as when I got to Headcorn, the sky was as black as Dick Whittington's cat. So it was a bit of a quick look at the church and the top end of the High Street, and then run for home

However, the first stop was Biddenden (KENT1 page). The church had just closed when I got there, but the kind lady told me exactly when it would be open. Apparently it hosts the village library, and is open for two hours, three days a week, but not the same hours every day! I did have a good look round the village though. 

From there, it was a quick 4 mile sprint to Headcorn (KENT2 page) I will need to return here as well. As you can see, I didn't have a lot of time to look around.

It's lovely being able to spend time really poking about the local area, but I look forward to when the weather and his health improve, because I really need to get further afield.

The disadvantage (sort of) doing all this local stuff, is that I will Shortly need to start a KENT3 page!

Friday, 1 November 2024

Very mild for the time of year.

 Yes, today was mild and relatively sunny. Finding myself at a loose end for a few hours, I decided to go and visit one of the most beautiful villages in Kent, and a couple more in the vicinity.

Originally I had a list of 7, but as is often the case, I ran out of time, so the other 4 will have to keep. 

The first place was Goudhurst, right on the edge of the Weald of Kent. And the church was as beautiful as the rest of the village. I do wish though that they could build a by-pass for the centre. If you've been there, you will know that road has signs at each end saying that it is unsuitable for large vehicles. But they still try to force their way through the bends around the church and up and down the incredibly narrow and steep street.

I've updated the Kent1 page for this one.

Next, I took to the country lanes to find Horsmonden church - well, it ain't in Horsmonden that's for sure. It stands behind a farm about 2 miles from the village down a couple of very narrow lanes. It was well worth searching it out though.

From there, I went and had a quick look at the actual village, then went on to Brenchley for my third and final visit of the day. 

 That's a pretty place too, and another very interesting church. I was cold by this time, so I just covered the bit of the village where the church is, and left the rest for another day.

Horsmonden and Brenchley on Kent 2