Twinkle at Woodchurch

Twinkle at Woodchurch
Twinkle at Woodchurch, Kent

Tuesday, 28 June 2022

These town trails are fun!

 I've just come back from completing my second one. The first one I did was Tenterden, and I was surprised! I thought I knew it well - turns out I didn't.

I've just done Sandwich, which is undoubtedly one of the stars of Kent.  So now, I'm off to update the Kent page with all the information I gleaned and pictures I've taken

Monday, 20 June 2022

More to come in Kent and Sussex.

 I've just come across a wonderful series of little books, that combine town walking trails with little quizzes. I've fallen in love with them, more so since I completed the first one today. They're all based in Kent and a few in East Sussex.

I chose Tenterden for the first one, and although I've lived in this area for most of my life, and thought I knew Tenterden well, I found I really don't!

So, as I complete each one for my own amusement, you will find lots of words and photographs from me.

If you fancy trying these out for yourself and you are in this area, you can buy them at QuizTrails  

So, keep an eye on my Kent page and for updates on Sussex, but don't expect me to give away all the answers.....................