Twinkle at Woodchurch

Twinkle at Woodchurch
Twinkle at Woodchurch, Kent

Friday, 23 October 2015

Identifying your place

I have found, during my travels, that many villages have beautiful village signs, relevant to the place or the area.
I have photographed some of them as part of this travel blog, but I'm now resolved to picture many more, and to give them their own section.
Then I thought, with so many pubs and inns closing down, and so many having curious names that are also relevant, it might be a good idea to include some of them before they totally disappear.
I don't mean the modern, stupid ones (e.g The Pitcher And Piano), but those that commemorate an actual event or person.

So I think I've got the spare time.............................

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Here comes Summer!

Well, at least Spring.
Today it was sunny, if still a little chilly, so I decided it was time to kick off my 2015 touring and photographing local places of interest tour.
Today it was mostly just riding round to decide what I wanted to include, although I did stop briefly in West Malling to photograph the Cascade at St. Mary's Abbey.
I will pay this pretty little town a proper visit at a later date though, as there is a lot to see.
Pictures of the Cascade and St. Mary's Abbey have thus been added to the Kent page